Monday, April 2, 2007

First Day

Hello! My name is Jenna and I am one of Frank's interns at PostSecret. This past Saturday was my very first day working at PostSecret Headquarters. It was really exciting and a little nerve wracking. We actually got to sit down and open some of the secrets that were in envelopes and discuss them with Frank. One secret that I remember the best was sent in a plain white envelope. As I opened the enveloped, I saw that a message was being reveled at the top. My poor memory doesn't recall the exact words of the secret, but the person expressed that they didn't feel like their artwork would ever be good enough and also that they seem to be experiencing a loss of self. As an visual arts major, I could relate to this scary feeling of work not being good enough compared to everyone else's. However, I've come to realize that art is very subjective and as long as your heart and soul go into it there is no limit to the way it can impact others. Myself and the other intern also got to choose 150 secrets between us for Frank's exhibit at the American Visionary Art Museum. It was really hard to choose among the secrets, but we tried to be as objective as possible to get a variety of secrets. As I was reading through all of these secrets, I found myself wanting everyone to get responses to their secrets and wanting those people to see their personal postcard go up on the website. It was definitely a great day that passed by very quickly. I was really tired by the end of it, haha, Frank called it "secret overload."


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