Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PostSecret Internship 2013!

I’ve been following PostSecret since 2005 so getting this internship was incredibly exciting for me. It’s been a little over a month now since I started working with Frank and seeing the inner workings of PostSecret. It feels so great to be able to get involved with a project I have loved from afar for so long. I always wondered certain things about PostSecret, such as how many postcards he receives a day and how he chooses the weekly secrets. I remember the first day of the internship I asked him so many questions, I think I drove him a little crazy! Our (the other interns and me) first task was to rebuild the pyramid of secrets because the original pyramid was starting to lose its stability. I did not realize how long this task would actually take! Shifting over half a million secrets is a lot of work. We are almost done with it now and hopefully I will be able to share a picture of it later. We’ve worked really hard to create the best design to keep this pyramid stable for as long as possible and I’m very proud of us. When we aren’t busy working on the pyramid, we spend time choosing Sunday secrets. I don’t know how much I can reveal about how that all works because it’s fun to leave the project a bit of a mystery. I will say though that Harry Potter is my favorite theme among the secrets. I mean, who doesn’t wish Hogwarts was real?? That’s all for now, but I hope to update more soon for you all! -Sarah