Friday, May 6, 2011


Hey everyone,

We got this postcard yesterday. It has a pattern of numbers on the back. Can anyone figure out if they mean anything? Click on the picture to see a larger version.



Austin Smith said...

It's ASCII--the encoding for letters that computers use. It decodes to "It never stops, and I get so tired. [END OF TRANSMISSION symbol]" You can decode it yourself using this website (use the values under the "Hx" heading--hexadecimal, another computer thing).

Anonymous said...

It never stops, and i get so tired.

Simon said...

Haha I got so excited that my limited computer science knowledge from my Engineering classes let me solve this straight off, but I see I've been beaten!

Anonymous said...

Really interesting blog!

I have been wondering why we as the public can't access archives of old secrets??

Thank you!

John Michael Weiand said...

I came to post the answer! But alas, it has already been solved.

Anonymous said...

This is not the right place to post a comment on a secret but I don't know the email to send it to...if you could please let me know I would so greatly appreciate it. I often see secrets I want to comment on but this week (5/15/11) I saw one that I HAVE to comment on...

The secret about the hidden clinical depression...

I kept my major depression/bipoler hidden from everyone as long as I could. I started dating a wonderful guy in engaged in 2006 and got married in 2007. In 2010 I was tired of keeping up my pretend self and I told him EVERYTHING. Guess what. He still loves me. He still wants to be with me. He understands. Everything will be okay. I took medicine for 2 months...I didn't like the way the medicine felt. But since he isn't as hard to manage.

He still loves me. You will be okay too.

Anonymous said...

I dont know much, but what if its coordinates? They are talking about how beautiful the world is..what if its he/shes most favorite place?